
Monday, September 26, 2011

Wonderful fall

So far the weather has been amazing this fall season.  It's warm and sunny, not a lot of wind.  The weekend went way too quickly again-and here are stuck on a Monday.  While my husband is traveling the US for a few days, I spent some time with my parents over the weekend. 

Saturday, Ryder and I rode along to the farm. Little did I know I was going to be put to work!  I helped move to a new field, I drove the pickup pulling the header behind it.  Then we get to the field and I helped my dad get the header on and everything ready for combining.  I jumped up in the combine with him to go along for a round only to see that there was a terrible hydraulic hose leak.  So I helped get the hose out, then we trekked to town so he could get a new hose, then back out to the field to put the hose back on. I must say it went together more smoothly than it came off (only a couple hours wasted-ugh!).  So-we  Dad--finally got it all functioning smoothly and off we went. I rode along for several hours, we had a good talk about this and that. This was my first ride in my dad's "new" green combine.  Good thing I went along-as this is his last field of the year.

Sunday was a lazy day. We watched a little football only to be upset by most of the games. I got my mom's pictures all loaded onto her computer and her flash drive, cleaned up their laptop so it's a little more user friendly.  That's about it. Like I said-lazy day!  Came home and got Ryder to bed, but stayed up way too late watching HSN.  Silly me!  I thought I wanted the new Cricut machine, but I think I am leaning more toward the new Silhouette Cameo. It just seems like an easier choice-no cartridges to buy-just hook it up to the computer and go. I just need to come up with the money to order one now.

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