
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Coffee time

Here I sit, in my new home, in my office with my cup of coffee enjoying the morning sun shining in. God has blessed me with so many wonderful things that I can't help but be happy.   The people in my life that make it so much more enjoyable are always around to make me feel loved!
This is a time every morning for me to ponder on what my day is going to bring. Today-I get to continue to pack this house-put our belongings in there rightful place. That is NOT an easy task. I am missing a few things here and there as well. I am sure they will show up eventually, but it's strange that things just got stuck in an odd place that I don't remember. Ha!
We are totally moved out of our storage unit. We still have a few things scattered at our family's homes here and there-but not much. For the most part-we are HOME. Now just to make it a home. One that is fully functional and organized. Okay-at least somewhat organized. I am good at that but sometimes it seems I just want to give up!! One place I haven't mastered yet is my pantry. I also have a lazy-susan in my kitchen-so deciding what goes where is quite the task! I never realized putting food away would be such a thought provoking matter! With a little oomph I know I can do it!
Oh-and I get my haircut today. What to do what to do. I am thinking of cutting bangs again? But not sold on it yet. I like the length of my hair right now but it needs some texture to it. It's just too blunt. Maybe I'll come back later and show what I've done.

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