So, yesterday I spent the day working on this house-getting things finished up, and starting a few new projects in the mix.
I also spent the day loving on my dearest of 20 years!! Yes--I said that-- 2-0 years! He asked me out with a note in choir class our freshman year of high school and the rest is history. Ha!
I don't know where time goes, I can't believe it's been that long knowing this wonderful man. We've had our fair shares of ups and downs in our relationship, but we have always made it through. We have learned that our struggles in life have only brought us closer together. We've come along ways!
In the mix of working and loving yesterday, I also made this delicious cake! We had it for dessert after supper-it took much longer than I anticipated to make!! I had originally planned on having it for an afternoon snack. I found the idea on Pinterest which was originally from here. It turned out just how I imagined-lovely. My honey told our son that I "poured my heart into it".
{ Swoon. }