
Wednesday, September 11, 2013


What do you do for a loved one that is hurting so badly, but you don't know what to do for them?
You listen and just be there for them.
You don't have advice because you haven't personally been through what they are going through. You make sure they know you love them and will help them in any way you can. 
You pray for them, for the healing of their heart.
I have gone through a heartbreak in my life that no one in my family had experienced-and they were there for me. They didn't know what to say or do or how to act. But they did what they could.
Now, I am here for my brother. I am here to help him to the best ability that I can.
The bible tells us that if we just believe in Jesus and have faith, pray about everything and don't worry-that we will experience God's peace. 
This isn't always an easy thing to follow and do-but we must try. 
We must have faith.
Faith that God has a plan for all of us, we just have to trust in his timing.
Even if it isn't right in our minds as the right time.