Wow-that was a busy week, but I am a little sad it's over. Sunday was Mother's Day, and I got to spend it with my favorite people! Quay had to work, so I spent the day with my parents and my brothers (Eric, Joel, Steven, and Andy at least) and of course my favorite little man-Ryder. Ryder handed me my gift that has been sitting un-opened on my kitchen table for almost a month-my Jo Totes bag! It is so nice! It was a nice relaxing day, the sun shone and the wind was calm. My dad, Andy, Eric, and I went out to the farm for an hour or so also so my dad could water the plants in his little greenhouse. I took a few pics of the blooms around the yard. Found some new baby kitties in the barn!
Tuesday, Quay and I went out to the lake to work on the boat for a little while. We got some painting and staining done, and got Lil' Slippery in her home once again. It was gorgeous out there! The water is so low compared to last year though. You can see on the picture where Quay is going up the ramp--last year the water was covering all that dirt! And all the weeds in the 3rd picture. I guess we have a really nice beach now-but it's a long walk.
Wednesday I got to go along on Ryder's kindergarten field trip. The kids got to go bumper bowling, have a picnic in the park, and go to the Heritage Center. Wow-what a great group of children. The only downfall of that day was that I ended up with a migraine on the bus ride home that didn't go away until late that night.
Friday was my 34th birthday. It was also a nice relaxing day. My parents took me out for lunch. Ryder was very sad that I didn't let him stay home to help me celebrate, but he helped me when he got home from school. Quay had to go to work that evening, so I went and spent some time with my mom.
Saturday we went rummage sale-ing in Beulah for their city wide sales. I found Ryder a bunch of summer clothes for cheap, a few frames, and an awesome little lamp for Ryder's room, among a few other things. It was cold and rainy all day.
Today-back to Sunday. It looks to be a beautiful day, so Ryder and I are going to finish planting flowers. I am letting him sleep in, as his week has been pretty full also.