
Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Busy-ness must slow down

Last week was another full week! Monday was Ryder's kindergarten program. They were so cute singing!  Tuesday, Quay and I volunteered to help with their class picnic. We walked from the school to the park to eat and play, then back again. It was a wonderful day for it, not too hot. Quay found a pink ladybug on his shoe, Ryder had fun showing the kids this interesting bug.  I am so glad we both went, as Mrs. Kaylor was in a car accident the weekend before and she still wasn't feeling very well from her concussion. But she is a great teacher and just didn't want to miss out on the last fun week of school.  We were so happy to help her out with the kids.

Thursday May 24 was Ryder's last day of school.  It was a very bittersweet day for me.  As much as I didn't want to let him go last fall, this last day was almost equally heartbreaking. The year just went too fast; which means each year following will  do the same.  I just hate to see my boy grow up.  I love having him little.

So now we are onto the weekend.  Ryder has been sleeping in and playing.  We are all going to be playing in the next few days, as we are taking a little trip to Minneapolis. We are excited to get out of ND and make some new memories. 

I have done a few crafts lately. I made my mom a sign for Mother's day.  I spray-painted the frame, then hot-glued the glass into the frame. I cut out the words with my Silhouette Cameo. 

I made Mrs. Kaylor an end of year teacher gift.  I bought the little bucket at Target in the dollar section, then cut out the letters with my Silhouette Cameo.  Ryder helped me pick out the flowers to go in. She loved it!!

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I Heart Nap Time

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Busy week....phew!

Wow-that was a busy week, but I am a little sad it's over.  Sunday was Mother's Day, and I got to spend it with my favorite people! Quay had to work, so I spent the day with my parents and my brothers (Eric, Joel, Steven, and Andy at least) and of course my favorite little man-Ryder. Ryder handed me my gift that has been sitting un-opened on my kitchen table for almost a month-my Jo Totes bag! It is so nice! It was a nice relaxing day, the sun shone and the wind was calm. My dad, Andy, Eric, and I went out to the farm for an hour or so also so my dad could water the plants in his little greenhouse. I took a few pics of the blooms around the yard.  Found some new baby kitties in the barn!

Tuesday, Quay and I went out to the lake to work on the boat for a little while. We got some painting and staining done, and got Lil' Slippery in her home once again. It was gorgeous out there! The water is so low compared to last year though.  You can see on the picture where Quay is going up the ramp--last year the water was covering all that dirt!  And all the weeds in the 3rd picture. I guess we have a really nice beach now-but it's a long walk.

Wednesday I got to go along on Ryder's kindergarten field trip. The kids got to go bumper bowling, have a picnic in the park, and go to the Heritage Center. Wow-what a great group of children. The only downfall of that day was that I ended up with a migraine on the bus ride home that didn't go away until late that night.

Friday was my 34th birthday.  It was also a nice relaxing day. My parents took me out for lunch. Ryder was very sad that I didn't let him stay home to help me celebrate, but he helped me when he got home from school.  Quay had to go to work that evening, so I went and spent some time with my mom.

Saturday we went rummage sale-ing in Beulah for their city wide sales.  I found Ryder a bunch of summer clothes for cheap, a few frames, and an awesome little lamp for Ryder's room, among a few other things. It was cold and rainy all day.

Today-back to Sunday. It looks to be a beautiful day, so Ryder and I are going to finish planting flowers. I am letting him sleep in, as his week has been pretty full also.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It's a slower week this week than last-thank goodness. Last week was just full. I was getting ready all week for my garage sale and it went great! It was probably the best sale I have ever had. My brother, Andy, and his fiance brought a lot of stuff as they are combining two households soon.  (Exciting!!)

Ryder and I went on a nature walk in the backyard one nice evening last week and I was experimenting with my camera. I need to learn how to use it to it's fullest capacity (like that will ever happen).

It was on the cool side over the weekend, with rain most days. Sunday, Ryder and I went to Bismarck with my parents and went to "The Avengers" movie with Andy and Shelly. Great movie!!  We are into superheroes though. We are currently watching the series Smallville.  Quay is still on turnaround at work, but that is drawing to a close too.  He hasn't had too many days off in 2-3 weeks. 

This week is teacher appreciation week, so I had ordered some personalized note pads (from for Ryder's teacher and my sister-in-law.  He gave them to them yesterday. We made a little card that read "Just a little 'note' to let you know that you are a great teacher!!' Then Ryder picked out some ribbon for them and we bundled them up. I just got an email from my sister-in-law telling me how sad Ryder's teacher is that the school year is about over and how much she'll miss my little man.  I am so glad we have raised a child that can touch someone's heart like that.  He is very special, we tried very hard to have him, and I think we waited until God got him just right.

Ryder lost a 3rd tooth this week.  Now he has 3 more loose ones. Oh boy.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

Wow-May has arrived! This just so happens to be my favorite month for so many reasons.  First off, it's my birthday month. I don't care about getting older, but I do like that I get a special day all to myself. Second, school gets out! Hip hip hooray! I love the end of the school year, because it brings my Third reason-summer starts. Fourth, now that I am a mom-I also get to celebrate Mother's Day with my little man who always makes it special. Fifth, the weather starts getting nice and the trees (mostly my favorite-lilacs) all start blooming. I am sure there are more--but those are my top 5 for sure.

Last week was the slowest week ever I swear. It just drug on and on. And it's not even that I didn't keep busy, but Quay worked almost every day and Ryder was in school, so I was left to fend for myself.  Tuesday I got a cyst removed from my arm.  I ran to Beulah on Wednesday with my mom, we stopped at the thrift store and I picked up some cool frames that I have a few plans for. We also stopped to see my grandpa at the nursing home. Thursday I went to Beulah again to get my drivers license renewed-and wouldn't you know it-my picture actually turned out good! I am so glad because it has to last for 6 years!! Wow-just think--the next time I get a new license again I will  be turning 40. Yikes!  In and amongst all that excitement I started prepping for my rummage sale which is in a few days.

The weekend was rainy. I enjoyed it--I love rain, it's just so refreshing and makes a person just want to bundle up inside with a hot drink and a warm fire (which we did!)  Ryder did get out on Saturday and jump in the puddle before it all disappeared back in to the ground. He got some good use out of those rain boots. Sunday we went with my parents to the nursery in Beulah, we bought a few succulents. Sunday was my hubby's only day off for the week.

Now we are onto a new week and a new month. I look forward to all that it will bring.

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