
Monday, April 23, 2012

Well, it's been about a week and I have some things to share.  Friday I worked at the quilt shop, and stupid me tried to cut my finger off with the rotary cutter. Not a smart thing to do. It's healing nicely now, but I will be much more cautious in the future.  I am beginning to think I may take after my father in the  "dumb accident" department. Haha!!

We have since made another offer on the land we so badly would like to own, but haven't heard back yet. This will be our final offer, then we will be forced to move on.  I have my good days and bad days living where I do. We love our house, it's just the location of the house that is frustrating.

Quay has since started his hell month at work, aka...turnaround.  He worked OT on Sunday, and not sure how the next couple of weeks will go.  The extra money is nice, but the lack of seeing my dearest isn't.

Sunday we launched the boat. It was a beautiful evening to do it, so Quay pushed on and it's afloat.

Today I did a few little projects, one of which is my tip jar. I decided I needed one in my laundry room with all the loose change I find. I just used an old pickle jar, spray painted the lid after I cut a hole in the top with a utility knife (no I guess I haven't learned my lesson with sharp tools yet-ha!), and cut out my words on my Cameo. It turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.  I started another project, but it isn't finished yet, so that photo is yet to come.

The weather is beautiful again for a few days. Ryder spent some time coloring our driveway yesterday.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Back in time

There's a new song on the radio, and I absolutely love it.  It's called "springsteen" by Eric Church. You can listen to it here. I love the words to it as it 'takes me back.'  Just a few weeks ago Quay and I were listening to music and a song came on that was popular in high school and I said to him, "wow does this take me back!!"  Music is such a wonderful way to get lost in time.

This particular song though just makes me realize how simple life really was when I was 16-17-18. I started dating Quay when I was 15 years old, and I fell head over heels. {and I still am!!}  We had our ups and downs through high school, but we always migrated back to eachother, and here we are 18 years later with almost 12 years of marriage under our belt!  The words in this tune are just so in tune to what teenage life is like. I recall going to the lake, telling him not to go, carefree and just having fun without a worry, cruising back roads in his old truck, laughing, crying, getting into trouble, feeling like you are on top of the world and nothing and no one can stop you.  Oh what fun we had!!

We still have fun, but now we get to share it with this little wonder boy with a sparkle in his eye.  He is our everything. We are so blessed in our lives, but it seems when you 'grow up' that carefree feeling kind of disappears as the bills come and the stress of everyday life rears it's ugly head.  I have always said I would never want to go back to my high school days {I actually have nightmares about it sometimes!}, but wow-the worries then were so much simpler.

I try to take things one day at a time, but there are days when it feels like I have weeks worth on my mind.  I know God won't give me more than I can handle, and I guess if He does--that's why He's there for me.  I am at a point in my life where I know who I am and what I want out of life, and we are trying to get there one day at a time. It's not always easy, but no one ever said it would be. I have the 2 most incredible boys to help me along the way in this journey and I couldn't have asked for better companions to make it interesting.  This isn't quite the life I had thought I would have-but then again, maybe it is, because it's all I could have ever asked for......and more.

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Thursday, April 5, 2012


I love spring! It's the most wonderful time of the year, everything starts out new and fresh.  It sounds like we are in for a spring storm this Easter weekend with the possibility of some snow.  It wouldn't be the first time! 

Ryder and I watched The Passion a few evenings ago and even though I know the bible story of Easter, that movie really puts into perspective what Jesus did for us. The torture he went through is too much for me to fathom.  I know Ryder may be a little young for that much "gore", but it's pretty factual and I wanted him to understand what the Easter story means, and get a visual on what happened to our Lord and Saviour.  He watched very closely. He had some questions, but that is only normal for a 6 year old.  After the movie we read the story out of the book of Mark in his bible.  He listened oh so carefully.  What an awesome God we have to lay down his life for us.

My dad gave us one of his lily bulbs that he plants, and it is so beautifully blooming just in time for Easter!!

Our wheat is finally starting to pop up in our Easter craft. We made the tomb with a stone rolled away.  Ryder has been helping me keep it moist and checks on it daily to see it's progress.

Yesterday I made some easter eggs filled with jelly beans for Ryder to take to school for his classmates.  I saw the idea on the Silhouette blog.  They turned out great!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's been a couple weeks again and so much has happened. Well....maybe not that much.

We finally got an answer about our land, it's a no-go.  The 3rd partner that told us how much she wanted per acre is a bad business person. We accepted what she said she wanted, and she defaulted on that and wants much more now. We said no way, it isn't worth it.  She doesn't realize that she's making nothing on that land now, and not selling it is a dumb mistake on her part. She's money hungry obviously.  Some people.  We are disappointed, we were really started to "plan" stuff for that piece of land, but I am sure there is a reason God doesn't want us to have it. 

Ryder learned how to ride his bike without training wheels!! Yay for Ryder!  We are so proud of him for toughing it out. 

I decided to get crafty and made a few of these headbands out of old t-shirts. I love it!

The weather has been gorgeous lately! Blue skies, birds chirping. Sounds like spring. A very early spring though for here in ND. I'll take it though.
 Coloring the sidewalks
 Gorgeous blue sky
 Lilac tree buds
 Happy dog Odie
No more training wheels!
Our kitty Garfield peeking out of the shed.
Our lily plant