
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Wow, another busy week went by so fast.  Ryder was the "star student of the week" in his room at school, so we had to make a poster for that, it was his un-birthday on Friday so I made him some cupcakes, we went and ate lunch with him on Tuesday. That was really fun. I like to see what his days are like at school, and that gave me a little glimpse, and all those little kids are just too cute!  Thursday was my Mary Kay holiday open house, which was just about a flop-thank God for the 5 people that did show up (and 2 of them were family). That will be the last year I do that, my product is slowly dwindling.  I will still keep up to date with ordering and such, but no more parties, and no more adopt a grandparent right before Christmas. It's making me grumpy. Thank goodness it's about over. What else happened this week....oh-Thursday night/Friday morning I woke up at 3:30am and never fell back to sleep. So that sucked. That about sums up my week. Hoping this next week goes better.

Quay worked last night, then went to coach a wrestling tournament all day. He got home around 3:30pm with a very horse voice. He fell asleep about 6pm and hasn't really woken up except for about 15 minutes to eat a little and watch the very beginning of Home Alone with us. Poor guy-too much on his plate.  I am very proud of him--he is finally quitting his chewing habit. He's been on chantrix for about 3 weeks and we are all still alive!! No one has killed eachother from mood swings or withdrawls. Haha!

Christmas is fast approaching-only 2 weeks!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


How do you explain to a 6 year old little boy that you can't have anymore children?

Ryder was sitting on my lap just 5 minutes ago looking at a Christmas card we got last year from some friends that have 4 little boys, he proceeded to say that they have 6 people in their family. I answered with "yes, they have 4 kids,I suppose you would like to have 3 brothers?"  He replied with a yes and our conversation lead to trying to explain to him that I can't have any more children.  I said to him that he was our miracle child, because we went to the dr. to have him also like we  tried to do twice this year without success.

We agreed that even one brother would be nice, and he tells me that he still prays for a brother every night.  The tears are flowing down my cheeks thinking of my sweet little child that prays for a sibling.  Of course it is something I pray for so very often also, but thinking of Ryder doing it just about breaks my heart.  I am still waiting for my answer or explanation. I honestly think I know why God made us wait for Ryder like we did-because I couldn't imagine a more perfect child.  But this time the answer isn't as clear, yet.