
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's beginning..... look a lot like Christmas!! At my house that is. :)  We have done about 90% of our decorating. It's taking a while because I have been busy working, making all that cash. Ha!  Yesterday after school Ryder and I decorated the tree in the living room, we put it up Monday night.  As I was hanging ornaments with Ryder I came across the ornament we bought when I was pregnant. It brought tears to my eyes thinking about how fast time has gone and my little baby is 6 years old already.  I have loved every age he has been, just wish time would S--L--O--W down.  I love how excited he is about Christmas-he was SO excited to decorate. He couldn't wait.

Today it is snowing-maybe this stuff will stick around. I like snow for Christmas, and maybe this will make it feel more like the season it is. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Well-the day is about over and I am shot. I ate way too much today, I just feel miserable.

I have so much to be thankful for--wonderful husband, beautiful son, a great family, house, cars, money in my bank account, friends, food in my cupboards/fridge, and SO much more.  It makes me wonder why we still strive for more more more.Why do we always need better or bigger? I guess it's just human nature to want to better ourselves whether it's really needed or not.

I can't help but feel a little sad right now. I should be holding a newborn baby in my arms, or at least be ready to have one any day. If only our little embies would have made it in February.  These days are hard to tackle. I try not to think about it, but it's hard.  I am sure I will do the same at the end of June. I still struggle some days, and it's always worse at night. Like tonight especially--Quay is at work and Ryder stayed at grandma and grandpa's house. I have too much time to think about what might have been. I know you can't live life wondering about the 'what-if's'. I still hold out hope that God will grant us the right to give Ryder a sibling.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Busy life

Well-what a busy week it's been. I got a job!! It's very part-time but it's something. I am helping a friend do office work 4-5 hours a week. It does come with some good perks-I get to visit with her while on the job, I don't have to dress up, I don't have set hours, I get to play with her little baby-couldn't get much better than that!

Life is just flying by-tomorrow is Thanksgiving!! Where did that come from?  I am excited to spend time with family and relax for a day. We do have a busy weekend planned though. Thursday-eat. Friday-shop with my brothers for our annual black friday shopping trip. Saturday-wedding of a good friend. Sunday-go to the Dickens Festival in Garrison. And tonight we are getting family pictures done.

A few days back I looked at my fall bouquet on my table and found an army man inside. Hmmm....I wonder how that got in there?

We did a get a light dusting of snow last weekend-it has since melted. Ryder was so excited though to see the white driveway that when we got home from church he felt the urge to shovel.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The wrath of an angry mother

So last week--again--someone took another attempt at running over my child while he was crossing the road to get on the bus in the morning.  We have called the school and the cops. You would think something would get done. No. This morning the same thing-except I was there with  pencil and paper to write down the plate number of the idiot that drove past the bus with it's flashing red lights on while my child was still on the road.  My husband or I will be walking out with him daily to catch these criminals in the act.  I have also written a letter to our local paper to alert people on what is happening and maybe put some sense into them. 

Here's my letter for those of you that don't get our paper:

My son started kindergarten this fall, and he was so excited to ride the school bus. We live just out of city limits so he rides one of the big yellow buses.  In the last month or two though, riding the school bus has become very dangerous for him and from what I am told other children as well that live on this Highway 200.  There have been 4 occasions now when people have passed the bus, or tried to, while its red lights are still flashing-all the while my son is still on the highway.  I don’t know what people think the bright red flashing red lights are for-but they certainly don’t mean just to slow down or stop then go again while they are still flashing.  We have called the school, we have talked to the sheriff’s department, and I know our bus driver has talked to the city police.  Our bus driver does a wonderful job of watching and motioning for our 6 year old on when to cross, but he can’t predict what the idiots on the road are going to do.  I predict soon a child is going to get hurt or killed.  I highly doubt anyone wants that on their conscience—so I am asking everyone to please obey the rules of the road so these children can get to school and home safely.  My husband and I will be walking out with our son every morning and writing down the license plate numbers of those who have forgotten that red means stop.  If you happen to be one of them-expect a nice fine.

If this non-sense continues to happen we will keep calling the police and the school until something gets done.  It would be nice to see a cop make a presence at the time the bus is at our house or one of the others. We have yet to see it. I don’t see the traffic situation getting any better as the oil boom gets closer.  Do we have to wait until a child gets hit to do something about this problem?

Here is what the Rules of the Road manual published by our ND DOT says about buses:

(Quote)When a school bus is stopped and flashing its red lights, drivers approaching from

both directions must stop. This is because children are being loaded or unloaded. The

drivers cannot proceed until 1) the bus begins moving; or 2) the bus driver signals to let

vehicles pass; or 3) the red lights are no longer flashing. When a school bus is equipped

with yellow caution lights, these lights may be used as a warning that the school bus is

about to stop and that the red flashing lights will soon come on. Be especially alert every

time you see a school bus. (End quote)

So what do you think? Get the point across?

We ran to Bismarck today, picked up a log splitter and a snowblower and get this-it was all free!! Well, for now. The log splitter is a friends, and he and Quay are going to share it. Quay's going to get it running again, so it will cost a little bit.  The snowblower was free though-the guy wanted it out of his garage. We did a few short trips around town and back before Ryder got home from school.  Not much else exciting around the Hagel household.  No snow yet, so our winter just keeps getting shorter.

Thanksgiving is fast approaching! As is Christmas, we have started shopping. Ryder is done, now on to everyone else.

Monday, November 7, 2011

On my mind

So there has been a lot on our minds lately. Whew.  We got a wild hair and decided we want to move again. We went and looked at a house that is for sale out in the country-great location, but the house just isn't quite what we want. It  has a floor plan that we can't see ourselves living in. So on to plan B, finding some land or an old farmstead and building our "dream" house. Oh boy-this sounds like fun stressful. Ha! It will be both I know.  I say "dream" house because I know it won't be ALL that we want, because to put it mildly-we can't afford that. We can afford what we NEED though, and it's not a mansion that's for sure. It will be our cottage in the country.  If we could pick this house up that we are in right now and move it-I think we would. We like our house-we've made it home. But location, location, location.  The highway traffic is getting worse here and we are ready for some privacy.

We've been working on getting those little projects done in our house.  So when it comes down to selling this house-we're ready. It's nice to have trim around my doors again. {smiling} 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


On to a better month-a month full of thankfullness!  The last week was trying.  Ryder got sick last week Wednesday at 3am. Just what I like to wake up to-a sick kid telling me he didn't make it to the bathroom.  Then I started feeling nauseous.  I never got physically sick but I have felt nauseous for a week. Yuck. It's all better now.  Quay then got sick also over the weekend.  So hopefully that's all out of our systems and we can be healthy for the rest of the year.

Halloween was wonderful this year--the temperature was so warm that we didn't have to bundle up like eskimos.  Ryder got his fair share of candy for us all to munch on for the next 6 months. Ha! We carved some pumpkins the night before. Ryder enjoyed cleaning out the guts.

Sadly our kitty died last week. We don't really know what happened. Ryder was out playing with her in the afternoon and an hour later she was dead. There was a strange cat hanging out that we think may have something to do with it. We feel we just aren't meant to have a cat. Ryder was so sad, he just loves cats.

I got something exciting last week-my Silhouette Cameo came!!! I tried it out and it is awesome!! I can't wait to get some vinyl to make a few things.