
Thursday, July 14, 2011

One more try

We traveled to Fargo yesterday for our FET (frozen embryo transfer) calendar appointment.  We are all set to transfer those little guys the first week of October. I don't have to start taking anything until August-so one more month of freedom from drugs (the good legal kind).  We are nervous and excited all at once--hoping and praying to have 2 new babies on their way by halloween!

I have been working on a little of this a little of that today.   Did some mowing, weeding, planting, fertilizing, mulch spreading and even helped Quay with a door for a bit. It's nice and cloudy out today but still relatively warm and humid.  Quay has no OT all weekend-so he actually gets a whole weekend off. He doesn't go back to work until Monday night!  I know we plan on spending some time on the lake as it's supposed to be a hot one. Hoping to have a bonfire in the backyard tonight if the rain stays away.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Okay-I have been slacking once again-but the days go by fast when you're busy! The 4th of July came and went, so that means summer is half over already and it just started it seems. We had a good time at our annual 4th of July games at the farm. Dan and Joel weren't present as they decided to make a trek to Canada for some band-but we had fun regardless. My honey had to work at night, but he came and enjoyed some game time with us.  It ended in a huge water fight among the brothers and the children (that includes Dad-Haha!). It was a hot one too-so the water fight was refreshing I am sure-I stayed out of it.

On July 6-7 Quay and I made our first voyage on the sailboat with just our family of 3! There wasn't much wind-so it was a good practice go around and we did great! We got the sails up without even knocking anyone off the boat.  We sailed/motored to Hazen Bay and spent the evening with some friends and tied up there for the night. We motored back the next morning as there was no wind to be had, and we had a few minor technical difficulties. It was a fun family trip!

We got our pool set up this past weekend also-it's finally nice enough out to even warrant having it out.  Ryder jumped in as soon as he could and enjoyed the coolness of the water on these hot ND days we're having.  Ryder and I spent the afternoon on Sunday with my Dad and three younger brothers on the Riverdale golf course. Ryder took his clubs along and was getting better as the day went on. I even golfed a few holes and didn't do nearly as bad as I thought I would. I may just have to invest in some clubs for myself.

On to another week. Monday is here.  Quay works two more days and then we are off to Fargo to set up our FET calendar. I have 2 frozen babies waiting for me-and I hope to have them both growing safely inside of me by the end of September. As much as I don't want to get my hopes up for this working-I still have to be optimistic and positive.  We were told that they have 67% success rates at our clinic for FET cycles after a failed IVF cycle; so those are GREAT odds! I want to be in that success rate!! It's all in God's hands. I need to give Him all my worries, but that is so hard to do. Prayers are needed and greatly accepted!! I still have days where I could just cry and wonder WHY!!? WHY?!! WHY!  The questions are always there-but I know God has a plan for me and I need to just be patient and understanding.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

11 Years

That's right-11 years! I have been married for more than a decade, and it's been one heck of a roller coaster ride-but I have loved every minute of it-sure there were a few seconds in there that I wanted to string him up-but those seconds passed and I went right back to loving my life with the man that captured my heart when I was only 16.  I can't imagine my life without Quay in it. He has always been there for me in my emotional ups and downs throughout our marriage, and there have been a lot of them!  In our 11 years-we have gone through heartache, but we have managed to always stick together through it and not let it tear us apart.  We have experienced wonderful joy in the birth of our son 6 years ago, whom has made our life so incredibly rewarding! 

So what makes for a happy marriage that lasts? I am NO expert on it, but with the experience I have under my belt-of course I have some advice. We stay true to one another and always have each other's backs.  Fight-it's healthy for your relationship-holler, scream-get it out of your system; then make up because the fight was probably about something dumb anyways.  Learn to apologize (I still have a hard time with this one). Admit you're wrong when you're wrong (I am NEVER wrong! Haha!).  Tell each other 'I love you' and hug and kiss daily. Get alone time without your spouse every now and then, you still need your friends time.  Hold hands in the car. Talk, talk, talk to each other. Laugh together. Okay-I guess that's it for now. It's late and I am tired-so I can only think so much.

Today I spent the day with Ryder and Misty in Bismarck shopping.  Quay is working OT for 2 days before his normal shift, so I didn't even see him on our anniversary other than seeing him sleeping in bed after he got home from work. I have talked to him numerous times though, so that counts too. We had fun in Bismarck-hope we do it again real soon!